My photo-journal of sorts.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Delays Again..

I'm not going to have time to post any updates on here for a while. I took family pictures for some friend's of ours and have been pretty busy with those. In the mean time here are a few of them I've been working on:

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 29

Watching Morning Cartoons Together

I will go sit by him and then he stretches up to put his little arm around my neck and pulls me down closer to him. He loves having his arm around you when you sit with him, even though it is little and you know you MUST be crushing it, or at least putting it to sleep. He doesn't mind. He just likes to show his love that way. He also loves to make me laugh by pulling silly faces and making silly sounds at me.

And that's pretty much how every morning starts once Kadence is away at school for the day. Just me and my boy.

Mommy/Daughter Day

Kadence got a free kids meal certificate to Wingers for doing so much reading, so we went out on a Mommy/Daughter day. We went shopping at a bunch of different clothing stores for her (Kid to Kid, Target, Walmart etc) and picked her up some new makeup and clothes, and then we went to Wingers for dinner followed by a quick walk over to See's for a lolipop for dessert. It was a lot of fun, she's such a cute little clothes model.

Early Morning School Bus Walk

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 28

Sticker HodgePodge

This is what Grandpa and Phelan LOVE to do together whenever we go visit. They pull out all of Grandmar's stickers and take turns putting them on each other, with an emphasis on their faces. Its a surprisingly focused and meditative type activity Phin really enjoys.

The Finished Product

New CTR Ring

She wasn't happy I pulled her away from playing to take a picture of her new CTR ring Grandmar bought for her. She had to special order it because Kadence has such skinny-mini fingers. (The necklace she has on is from her other Grammy too)

My Mother's Day Flowers ^_^

Day 27

Knocking at the Door

Doing Crafts at the Library

BBQ with Friends

Day 26

I wasn't feeling particularly creative this day, so this was the best shot I got.

Day 25

Shared Tickles


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 24

The "Shortcut".
(really it's more like a detour)


Day 23

While the Cat's Away the Mouse will Play...

The Walk Home

Laundry Day

Day 22 Outtakes

Scaling the Slide


Bottom of the Slide

Family View

Day 22

Exploring a new playground

(Ryan carried kadie's flowers all over the place for her, so sweet)

Day 21

The pictures from this day are of a pretty poor quality, but they were taken back when I only had the cell phone camera. So we will chalk it up to that:

Pew Pew!

He has a real talent for turning just about anything into a gun. Here he demonstrates the shooting ability of a potato chip.


Watching Spider-man Together

I love how little Phelan looks next to Ryan, how he fits in the crook of his arm so perfectly.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Project on Pause

I haven't forgotten or given up on this project. I've just been having SEVERAL technical difficulties. I finally got my SLR charger in the mail, when my power cord to our laptop broke. We ordered it back towards the middle of May and they still have yet to mail it out. Unfortunately all my photo software is on the laptop, so until circumstances change I'm not going to be able to do any updates. I was still taking my daily pictures, until my camera filled up. Once again without the photo software there's no place to dump them. As soon as we receive the charger I will get everything all updated and resume the project.

Sorry for the delays!