Tallest TowerThis is the tallest tower he has ever built. He was quite thrilled about it. So thrilled he...
...did his tough guy happy dance pose.Then he very carefully disassembled it, piece by piece. I asked him if he wanted to just knock it down, but he just looked at me appalled.

Autumn LeavesKadence and Ryan had an "art lesson" and he showed Kadence how to sketch and make leaves. They went outside and collected a bunch of different types and then came in and made these. I really like the ones he put above her bed. I don't know if you can tell very well from the picture, but he hung them so they are kinda 3D on the wall. Kadie loved it.
Attack Cat!She doesn't really ever "attack" but she certainly does pounce. She loves popping out unseen and making me jump. Afterward she struts away all proud of herself.