Phelan's big thing today was counting the syllables of words. (I have no idea.) He figured out what they were and asked me what it was called and then he spent the day counting all the syllables in EVERYTHING. He loved it. What kid loves counting syllables?? My kid apparently. And now I know Perry the Platypus is 3 words, 6 syllables.
Sometimes I forget he's only 3. I had a serious moment of panic today thinking he was turning 5 this summer and would be starting school. Not that he couldn't be ready, but I would miss my little man who covers me sweetly with his special Spider-Man blanket and runs up to give me kisses and cuddles through out the day.
Sometimes I forget he's only 3. I had a serious moment of panic today thinking he was turning 5 this summer and would be starting school. Not that he couldn't be ready, but I would miss my little man who covers me sweetly with his special Spider-Man blanket and runs up to give me kisses and cuddles through out the day.

This is the only one I got of her in focus. But I love her pretty eyes. So we will just focus on those, and not the Rice Krispy Treat hanging out of her mouth. lol.
Kadence told me today she is starting gymnastic lessons. Her friend Mia at school is giving lessons during recess, ¢25 a month, first month free.
Kadence told me today she is starting gymnastic lessons. Her friend Mia at school is giving lessons during recess, ¢25 a month, first month free.

Mio: Liquid Water Enhancer
I love this stuff. The doctor told me one of the reason's for my complications could be dehydration, so I have been very careful with tracking my water intake daily. (I'm not seeing any correlation between water consumption and how I feel, but I figure it can't hurt.) My goal is 10 8-ounce glasses a day. I only count water and I haven't been letting myself drink anything else until I meet my quota,which is normally at night, so you can imagine I'm getting pretty sick of guzzling plain boring water all day. Enter Mio. We saw a commercial for it a few days ago so Ryan was gracious enough to go hunt it down at the grocery store for me. It totally hits the spot. One little squirt in my 16oz cup gives it just enough flavor to keep the rootbeer in the fridge. My hero.
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